
Development version

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Quick-start Instructions

~ $ wget

~ $ unzip

~ $ cd mammut-1.1.0

~/mammut-1.1.0 $ mkdir build

~/mammut-1.1.0 $ cd build

~/mammut-1.1.0/build $ cmake ../

~/mammut-1.1.0/build $ make

~/mammut-1.1.0/build $ make install

By default Mammut will be installed under /usr/local. You can specify the Mammut installation path by modifying the MAMMUT_PATH variable in the Makefile. The standard subfolders will be then used for the installation (lib, include, bin).

Enabling remote management

If remote management is needed, Google's Protocol Buffer Library should already be installed on your machine. If Google's Protocol Buffer Library has been installed into a non standard path, it is possible to specify this path by modifying the PROTOBUF_PATH variable in the Makefile. To install a remote-enabled Mammut library, you need to compile it with make remote instead of make.

Please notice that some of the features available for local management may still not be available remotely.